Introducing Single Sign-On
XOGO Manager now offers single sign-on technology, offering enhanced security and convenience for our users. Here’s what you need to know.
What is single sign-on?
Single sign-on (commonly referred to as SSO) is an authentication service that allows a user to log into separate software platforms using a single set of login credentials, like a username and password. It makes things easier for the user -who doesn’t need to remember loads of passwords- as well as for IT administrators. You’ve probably used SSO before - for instance if you’ve logged into a shopping website using your Facebook credentials. XOGO now offers SSO via Microsoft accounts; we’ll also be adding support for Google and other platforms in the near future.
How does it work?
If you have a personal Microsoft account, you can now log into XOGO Manager by clicking the square Microsoft icon located above where you would normally enter your email. This will redirect you to a Microsoft portal where you can click to authorize SSO to be enabled for XOGO. Then anytime you log into XOGO Manager, you can simply click the Microsoft logo instead of entering your email address and password.
If you work for a company that has an enterprise Microsoft account, the process is largely the same. However, the XOGO admin at your company will need to contact us first in order to enable SSO for you company-wide. Then your XOGO admin can log in using SSO, and anyone else from your company that subsequently wants to log in using SSO can be whitelisted by him or her. This saves everyone time when logging into XOGO Manager, and when someone leaves the company, your IT administrator can instantly disable all of their SSO login permissions with the touch of a button.
Click the Microsoft logo to sign into XOGO Manager using SSO…
…then accept the permissions in order to associate XOGO Manager with your Microsoft account.
Single sign-on offers both convenience and security, and we’re happy to announce that it’s now available for all users in XOGO Manager. If you have any questions or need help getting your enterprise account set up, please contact our support team and we’ll be happy to assist!