8 Ways to Use the XOGO Admin Portal
Most tasks related to digital signage (i.e., managing your players and content) can be accomplished via our easy-to-use XOGO Manager application. For other tasks, however, we offer a handy administrator portal that you can access from any web browser. Here are some of the things you can accomplish using the admin portal at admin.xogo.io
Adjust Your Billing Preferences
Log into the admin portal using the same email/password combination that you use for the XOGO Manager application. Then under Account->Billing you can adjust your billing preferences, including the credit card that's tied to your account.
Invite Additional Users
Use the link in the upper right portion of the home page in order to copy an invitation link to your clipboard. You can paste this link into an email or text in order to easily invite additional users to join your XOGO account.
Approve New Users
Under the Members tab you will see a list of pending users that are waiting to join your XOGO account. These will be people that you invited (see above), or that input your company name during their XOGO account setup. Click to approve additional users and allow them to control your content, playlists and players, or reject the request.
Hand Over Administrative Rights
Under Account, click on Administrator Handover and enter the email address of one of your account's users, in order to hand over administrator rights to the other user. You'll still be able to manage players, content and playlists, but you'll handover billing and user-management rights to the new administrator.
Check Your Player/OS Versions
Click on players to see a list of your various XOGO players, along with their operating systems and the version of XOGO Player that they are currently running. This can be useful if you experience any technical issues and need to send information to our support team.
Reassign Your XOGO Licenses
Your XOGO Pro subscriptions each have a license code. Under Players you can change which subscriptions are assigned to which players, or delete a license so the subscription will not automatically renew on its next renewal date.
File a Support Ticket
Click on Support in order to file a support ticket and request help from our support team. You can also file a support ticket at support.xogo.io (our dedicated support website) or via the contact page on our website.
Delete Your Account
Click on Account > Delete in order to delete your account and start over. This is handy if you purchased a license code from one of our distributors, but forgot to enter it in during account setup. Simply delete your account and start fresh!