XOGO Showcased at Microsoft's Annual Developer Conference
XOGO Showcased at Microsoft's Annual Developer Conference
It’s been a very exciting week for our engineering team. It is definitely not the first time we are taking the stage at a conference, but Build is different. Microsoft Build is THE developer conference for all engineers working with Microsoft technologies, and building products and services on top of various Microsoft platforms. It's an annual conference that we have been attending for a long time.
What made it special this time was the fact that Microsoft highlighted XOGO in their Windows IoT booth. You might have noticed our recent announcement of XOGO Mini. We had it set up and running with IoT Triggers at the Windows IoT Booth for all visitors to test drive. We visited the booth a couple of times during the conference and had great fun discussing with attendees what we have learned on our journey with IoT Core and Azure. We will be sharing some of these learnings at the Intel IoT DevFest next week. Make sure you register if you are interested to learn how IoT Core and Azure can help you build and scale your IoT solutions.